Exhibition at Equinox, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Welcome to my web presence. I have some exciting news, I have a new exhibition coming up and here are the details. Please come and support Cambodian art.


Equinox, #3A, Street 278, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


7pm, Sunday the 23rd of Feb, 2014. Exhibition runs until the 5th of April, 2014

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The quiet half of the sky

Faces hidden in the working crowd, veiled by the duties of the seamstress, the labours of the rice field and the market, the endless tread of the city street. Through a range of styles, painter Dina Chhan explores the surface reality of the daily work of Cambodian women, and draws up unexpressed dreams and aspirations from the souls of these mothers, sisters and daughters.

Using her familiar vivid palette of colours, Dina hovers between a lithe, almost cinematic realism and an exuberant abstraction. She places people in noisy, bustling environments where you can hear the wind blowing, the calls and shouts, the traffic passing, or the night falling. All the while, the quiet dignity of the subjects creates a stillness of that captured moment. These nine strong pieces remind us of the people that we see, that we know, and that we are.